Ernst remains committed to rejecting Iran nuclear deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) released the following statement Sept. 15 after voting to proceed with Senate consideration of the resolution of disapproval on the President’s nuclear deal with Iran:

“I am extremely disappointed that my Democratic colleagues have once again undermined the will of the American people and denied them a vote on the President’s nuclear deal with Iran. Earlier this year, a bipartisan group of 98 Senators supported a vote over this nuclear agreement.  Now, the same Democrats who initially supported the vote are going back on their word.

“There is overwhelming bipartisan opposition to the President’s deal with Iran which gives Iran a pathway to achieve a nuclear weapon; fails to enforce anytime, anywhere inspections; provides Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terror, with a free pass in this deal to continue its terrorist activities and the oppression of millions of Syrians through its support of the Assad regime.

“This is one of the most critical votes of our time that will impact generations to come, and the American people deserve a vote to hold their elected officials in Washington accountable over this major national security issue. I remain committed to rejecting the President’s ill-conceived Iran deal that threatens our nation, our national security interests and our allies in the region.”

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